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The Journey to continue: Ambedkar Times completes 11th years
"Nature, Humans and Freedom"
Prem Kumar Chumber Editor-In-Chief: www.ambedkartimes.com
We take pride in entering 12th year of our regular publication of Ambedkar Times. This all has become possible with the uninterrupted support of our supporters, contributors, readers and well-wishers. As we all aware of that the whole world has been passing through an unimaginable crisis for the last few days. The malady had originated at Wuhan in China and quickly engulfed the entire planet sending shivers down the spine in everyone. The malady - Covid19 - is still to be bridled as there has not been any universally recognized curable mechanism against its deadly infection. Corona causalities do not respect any man made and socially constructed caste, class, creed, gender, and cultural boundaries. Cartographic boundaries did not halt its onward journey.
Upper caste, rich, 1st world etc. failed to distinguish themselves from lower caste, poor and 3rd world binaries amidst its silent invasion. Nature's fury teaches us an unforgettable lesson of keeping ourselves united if we want to live happily and to face any contingency, which defy all types of binaries. Freedom is indivisible. So is the burden of oppressive social divisions.
Nature teaches us that our (of the entire humanity) fate is common: our sorrows and pleasures are also common. Then why we inclose ourselves in discriminatory caste/faith boundaries? Can one's being belonging to a particular caste/class/faith save her/him from the Corona virus? If we want to face boldly the onslaught of nature, we need to get ourselves free from oppressive social boundaries. If Corona has been making us physically weak and sick (in some cases even dead), social discrimination kills us mentally and makes us unfit to face boldly the fury of the nature!! Let us leave behind caste binaries and unite together to empower humanity. This could be a true way to achieve real freedom!
Posted at www.ambedkartimes.com on March 15, 2020 |
Remembering Sahib Shri Kanshi Ram Ji
in Contemporary Times
Prem K. Chumber
Editor-In-Chief: www.ambedkartimes.com & www.deshdoaba.com |
Dalit Chetna has its roots in the sufferings of its progenitors who never tired in making efforts to wake up their people/Samaj. The beginning was made in a more systematic manner during the life time of revered Jyotirao Phule who with the support of his bold life partner revered Savitri Bai Phule made stringent efforts to educate the lowest of the low while equating education with the milk of Lioness that whosoever drink it will roar like a lion. The flame of this struggle was taken up soon after by Periyar E.V. Ramasamy who founded Justice Party to struggle for long lost Dalit human rights during colonial India.
Babasaheb Dr B. R. Ambedkar became the legitimate heir of Phule-Periyar tradition of the generation of Dalit consciousness and took the same to new heights, never witnessed before since the beginning of the raising of voice against social exclusion and justice in the discourses by Tathagat Buddha. Babasaheb Dr Ambedkar remained on the platform of Dalit struggle from the time of his first publication on Genesis of Caste in 1916 till his last breath on December 6, 1956. From 1956 till 1972 Dalits in India experimented with his conversion formula to get rid of untouchability and getting organized under Dalit political parties (Independent Labour Party, Scheduled Castes Federation, Republican Party of India) to fight back social segregation, political marginalization and economic peripheralisation. Conversion somehow could not succeed in throwing off the debris of untouchability even from the confines of their newly embraced religions. The experience with the distinct Dalit political parties also remained quite disheartening as at different electoral intervals Scheduled Castes failed to register victory. Reservation in the legislature both at state and national levels encouraged opportunists from within the rank and file of the low castes to get played in the hands of the upper castes masters in the mainstream political parties to be ready to come forward to defeat their counterparts from the Dalit political parties. That is why Babasaheb used to say that on the reserved seats deaf and dumb low castes are picked up by the shrewd mainstream political party bosses to defeat the genuine Dalit candidates from the Dalit Political Parties. This was the outcome of the failure of Communal Award hard earned by Babasaheb Dr Ambedkar.
A new wave came with the arrival of Sahib Shri Kanshi Ram Ji on the political scene of the Dalit Politics in India as well as with the birth of Dalit Panther movement in Maharashtra in the early 1970. It was also the time of the revival of Ad Dharam movement in Punjab by Mr. Mangu Ram, the namesake of Babu Mangu Ram Mugowalia, who after long stay in England came to stay put in Jalandhar to work for the upliftment of the Dalit Samaj. Sahib Shri Kanshi Ram Ji also made sincere efforts to stir new consciousness in the minds of Dalit people in Punjab while referring to the various achievements of the glorious Ad Dharam movement. Sahib Shri Kanshi Ram Ji, in fact, had successfully been able to inject a new energy and passion among the Scheduled castes, especially of Punjab and Uttar Pradesh, by bringing them together on the platform of BAMCEF, DS4 (Dalit Shoshit Samaj Sangarsh Samiti) and Bahujan Samaj Party. He was of the firm opinion that political power is the key to all locks of Dalit empowerment. He wanted to strengthen his own people and Samaj who had been taken for a free ride during centuries.
What Sahib Shri Kanshi Ji said and done for the Dalit Samaj has once again being realized by his followers and scholars of Dalit studies that the current times need him and his style of politics more strongly for the emancipation and empowerment of the Scheduled castes people.
Ambedkar Times (www.ambedkartimes.com) and Desh Doaba (www.deshdoaba.com) forum pay floral tributes to the fond memory and momentous work that Sahib Shri Kanshi Ram Ji had done for his people and Samaj on his anniversary!!
Prem K. Chumber
Editor-in-Chief www.ambedkartimes.com
Posted at www.ambedkartimes.com on October 9, 2019 |
Sahib Shri Kanshi Ram was born on March 15, 1934, in Khawas Pur village of Ropar District of Punjab. He was the eldest of eight siblings. He belonged to the Ramdassia (Ad Dharmi) community of the Scheduled Caste group, which is the largest group in Punjab. He was named Kanshi because after his birth the midwife placed him in a tray made of kansa metal. His father owned some land and his uncles were in the armed forces. In Sahib Kanshi Ram's own words, "I was born and brought up amongst those who sacrificed themselves but never betrayed the country...” Despite his low caste background, he earned a bachelor’s degree in science from the Government College at Ropar (Punjab).
His upbringing was modest. During his education years there was nothing special about him to suggest that he would mature into great social revolutionary. It was only after he took up a government job in the western Indian state of Maharashtra that he began to be influenced by the writings and life of Baba Sahib Dr. B.R. Ambedkar who voiced the concerns of India's low caste community and worked hard throughout his life for their empowerment. Soon after his graduation, Sahib Shri Kanshi Ram Ji joined the research staff of Kirki’s Explosive Research and Development Laboratory (ERDL) in Pune 1957. While working in Pune, he quit his job after becoming involved in the famous Deena Bhan case. Deena Bhan, a Rajasthani Scheduled Caste employee and senior colleague of Sahib Shri Kanshi Ram Ji was suspended. His fault was that he protested against the decision of ERDL management for the cancellation of holidays for Ambedkar and Buddha Jayantis and their replacement by the Tilak Jayanti and one additional holiday for Diwali. Sahib Shri Kanshi Ram decided to fight against such a caste ridden and dictatorial behavior of the management. The fighter in Kanshi Ram got the suspension orders of Deena Bhan revoked and Ambedkar and Buddha Jayantis holidays were restored.
This was the beginning of the long battle for the emancipation of the Dalits in the country that Sahib Shri Kanshi Ram had to lead till his last breath. He resigned from his job and totally dedicated his entire life for the cause of the community. He never married nor visited his home since then. His struggle was not for the home and family. He devised a new strategy to regain the lost glory of the original (Adi) inhabitants of Bharat. He gave utmost importance to the culture of work and democratic method of struggle. He also expanded the circle of the Dalits by incorporating other Backward Classes and Minorities into it.
He criticized the post-Ambedkar leadership of Dalits in India. For that he declared Poona Pact as the main reason. He said that “Poona Pact made Dalits helpless. By rejecting separate electorate, Dalits were deprived of their genuine representation in legislatures. Several and various kind of Chamchas were born in the last fifty years. As and when India's so called high caste Hindu rulers felt the need of Chamchas and when the authority of the upper castes got endangered by real and genuine Dalit leaders, Chamchas were brought to the fore in all other fields”.
In his "The Chamcha Age", a well-argued and polemical tirade against the pseudo Dalit leaders, Sahib Shri Kanshi Ram Ji sharpens the contradiction for the legitimate acquisition of political power by the downtrodden in electoral democracy in India. In, the Chamcha Age, "he focused very much on the Poona Pact which was a point of a rather decisive Gandhian victory over Dr. Ambedkar after a long duel between the two at the Round Table Conference". In the mid-1960s, Sahib Shri Kanshi Ram Ji began to organize Dalit government employees to fight against what he saw as the deeply entrenched prejudice of higher caste peoples. It was around this time that he decided that he would not marry and dedicate his life to the cause of Dalit improvement. By the mid-1980s, he decided play a crucial role in the politics of the country.
The result was the formation of the BSP (the Common Man's Party) in 1984. As a politician, he became very popular among his people, who found a new hope and vision in his style of functioning and sincerity. Suddenly he became a national figure. He was a master strategist and a meticulous organizer. He used his strengths to carve out a niche for Dalits. This was done by deploying an often combative and aggressive strategy, with virulent attacks on other political parties which he claimed only represented the interests of higher caste Hindus. He was sharply different from other politicians of the mainstream. He used to communicate before he spoke.
He was one of the few great leaders of Independent India who actually expanded the limits of Dalit politics. His political vision was never confined to Scheduled Castes only, as is often thought about him. All of the political organizations he founded were meant for the downtrodden of all sorts – SC, ST, OBC and Minorities. It would not be an exaggeration to say that he was the one who took a lead in making Indian democracy more competitive and practically open to the Dalit-Bahujan Samaj. Posted on www.ambedkartimes.com March 15, 2014
Era of the Stooges)'s 30th
Publishing Anniversary
1st Edition: Published on September 24th, 1982 on the occasion
of 50th Anniversary of The Poona Pact
2nd Edition: Published on September 24th, 1982 on the occasion
of 75th Anniversary of The Poona Pact
Prem Kumar Chumber (Editor-In-Chief) September
24th, 2012
and Beyond
Kumar (Bedford, UK)
OF 1932
![](/Image/R%20C.JPG) |
(An Era of the Stooges)'s 30th Publishing
1st Edition:Published on
September 24th, 1982 on the occasion of 50th Anniversary
of The Poona Pact
2nd Edition:Published on September 24th, 1982 on
the occasion of 75th Anniversary of The Poona Pact
Please click here # Ambedkar Times's special issue
on "The Chamcha Age" book
Read more:
Prem Kumar Chumber
(Editor-In-Chief) Posted
on September 24, 2012
THE CHAMCHA AGE (An Era of the Stooges)
As victims of the Brahminical culture, for centuries, the
Shudras and Ati-Shudras, now known as the Backward Castes
(S.C., S.T. and O. B. C.) were passing through the Dark
Age Around 1848 Jyotirao Phule initiated revolt against
the Brahminical culture. From the beginning of the 20th
century, the Depressed Classes all over India started revolting
against the Brahminical culture. Around 1920, they were
lucky to have the leadership of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar.
Up to 1930, the struggle of the Depressed Classes was largely
ignored by Gandhiji and the Congress. During the Round Table
Conferences of 1930, 31, & 32 when the communal Award
was announced, Gandhiji was shocked to see that the able
leadership of Dr. Ambedkar could secure for them, both Recognition
and Rights.
This was too much for Gandhiji and his Congress. To deny
the Depressed Classes their due Gandhiji, went on fast till
death on 20th September 1932. Such coercive methods forced
Poona-Pact on the Depressed Classes. But even the Poona-Pact
could not take away Recognition. Thus, we see that when
Caste Hindus were forced to concede a little bit of power,
they took to second line of defense. They saw to it that
they must not lose control over it. This was secured by
the Poona-Pact, by way of denying the right to Separate
Electorates and forcing the Joint Electorates on the Depressed
Classes. Through the Joint Electorates, the representatives
of the Depressed Classes became only nominal representatives
and not real representatives, for no untouchable who did
not agree to be a nominee of the Caste Hindus and be a Chamcha
in their hands, could be elected in a Joint Electorates
in which the untouchable voter was outnumbered in ratio
of 1:5.
With this started the Chamcha Age on September 24, 1932,
the date when Poona-Pact was signed taking away the Separate
Electorates and forcing the Joint Electorates on the Depressed
Classes of India. Now when the Chamcha Age is 50 years old,
it has been decided to write the book, besides denouncing
the Poona-Pact in a big way all over India.
The purpose of writing this book is to enlighten, awaken
and caution the Dalit-Shoshit Samaj (Oppressed and Exploited
Society) and its workers and leaders about the large scale
existence of the element of stooges (Chamchas) in our oppressed
and exploited society. The book is also designed to make
the masses, especially the workers, distinguish between
the genuine and the counterfeit leadership. Those who struggle
to change the times, the Age, must know and understand the
Age in which they are living and operating. The book is
designed to serve that purpose as well.
To make the book more purposeful, it has been divided into
4 parts and 17 chapters. Part I and II give a glimpse of
the past struggles, Part III speaks of the present times
and Part IV suggests ways and means for the future struggles.
Thus all the 4 parts and 17 chapters put together secure
continuity of the past, present and future happenings and
struggles relevant to the purpose before the Book.
Initially a booklet of about 50 pages was designed to enlighten
and caution our own missionary workers about the existence
and nature of the element of stooges amongst the oppressed
and exploited Indians. Later on, it was thought necessary
to give background, the past events that eventually pushed
us into the Chamcha Age. To fulfill this need, the quoting
of past events extensively became inevitable. All this brought
the book to its present size.
The book contains 3 memorandums and one long statement
by Dr. B. R. Ambedkar. Even otherwise Dr. Ambedkar has been
largely referred and extensively quoted. Keeping in mind
the controversial nature of the topic and the wrong stand
on celebrating the golden jubilee of the Poona-Pact by the
lieutenants of Baba Saheb Ambedkar, we are forced to take
shelter under the heavy cover of his writings and works.
Thus, the risk of repetition and over-emphasis has been
purposefully and willfully taken to secure continuity, clarity
and credibility.
The following 4 words: - (i) Tool (ii) Agent (iii) Stooge
(iv) Chamcha carry almost the same meaning, but slightly
different spirit. All over the book, these 4 words have
been used depending upon their effectiveness in carrying
the meaning and the spirit. In the common man’s terminology,
a tool, an agent, or a stooge is termed as Chamcha. And
in this book, I have decided to use common man’s terminology.
To my mind, it will be fruitful to use common man’s
terminology when we fight for his cause.
If you call some one as Chamcha, he will not like it and
is likely to go against you. But when you are calling the
Age as the Chamcha Age, you are biting so many and they
may hit back. But as Chamcha cannot operate on its own,
the operator may hit you back with Chamcha. We should, therefore,
be prepared for the ‘Chamcha Attack’. To keep
the attack mild, we have refrained from illustrating the
events by giving the names, even at the risk of becoming
vague and leaving a lot of guess work for our readers.
At any rate, the Chamcha attack should not frighten us,
because a Chamcha is not a powerful or deadly weapon. Besides,
we must aim at the hand that uses Chamcha. If hit hard the
Chamcha will fall. A fallen Chamcha is absolutely harmless.
Thus, this way, we hope to end the Chamcha Age within a
short Span of about 10 years. |
THE CHAMCHA AGE (An Era of the Stooges) |
15th March 1947, on behalf of the Scheduled Caste Federation,
Baba Saheb Dr. B.R. Ambedkar submitted a lengthy Memorandum
to the constituent Assembly which was to draft the future
constitution of India. The memorandum demanding the safeguards
for the Scheduled Castes was quite long and exhaustive.
One of the chapters of the Memorandum dealt with the Poona
Pact, especially the disadvantages of the Poona Pact.
It being most relevant to this book, (THE CHAMCHA AGE
(An Era of the Stooges) expressing Baba Saheb Ambedkar’s
views 15 years after Poona Pact, it therefore reproduced
The Poona Pact was intended to devise a method where by
the Scheduled Castes would be able to return to the Legislature
representatives of their choice. This intention has been
completely nullified as will be seen from the following
series of statistics. The series have been constructed
from the results of the last elections, which took place
in February, 1946.
The statistical data is arranged in four series of tables:
series show the votes secured by the successful
Caste Hindu candidate and the successful Scheduled Caste
candidate in the Final election.
series show in how many cases did reliance on
reservation clause become necessary for the success of
the Scheduled Caste candidate in the Final election and
in how many he succeeded without the benefit of reservation.
series show the relative voting strength of the
Caste Hindus and the Scheduled Castes in constituencies
in which seats are reserved for the Scheduled Castes.
series show the position in the Primary
election of the Scheduled Caste Candidates who became
successful in the Final elections.
The conclusions that follow from these figures
will not escape those who care to examine them. The figures
prove the following propositions:
That every of the Scheduled Caste candidate, who became
successful in the Final election, owed his success to
the votes of the caste Hindus and not of the Scheduled
Castes. A great many of them came to the top of the poll
and secured votes equal to and in some cases larger than
those obtained by Caste Hindu candidates (See Tables in
the First Series). Secondly, in very few constituencies
was the successful Scheduled Caste candidate required
to rely on reservation (See Tables in the Second Series).
This is a most unexpected phenomenon. Anyone who compares
the voting strength of the Scheduled Castes with the voting
strength of the Caste Hindus in the different constituencies
(See Tables in the Third Series) would realize that the
voting strength of the Scheduled Castes is so small that
such a phenomenon could never have occurred if only the
Scheduled Castes voters had voted for the Scheduled Castes
candidates. That they have occurred is proof positive
that the success of the Scheduled Caste candidate in the
Final election is conditioned by the Caste Hindu votes.
That comparing the results of the Primary election with
those of the Final election the Scheduled Caste candidate
who was elected in the Final election was who had failed
in the Primary election (if the Primary election be treated
as a Final election and the constituency be treated as
a single-member constituency).
Owing to the extreme disparity between the voting strength
of the Hindus and the Scheduled Castes- Disparity, which
will not disappear even under adult suffrage system of
joint electorates will not succeed in giving the scheduled
castes the chance of returning their true representatives.
The Poona Pact has completely disfranchised the Scheduled
Castes in as much as candidates whom they rejected in
the Primary elections-which is a true index of their will
have been retuned in the Final election by the votes of
the Caste Hindus.
Poona Pact is, thus, fraught with mischief. It was accepted
because of the coercive fast of Mr. Gandhi and because
of the assurance given at the time that the Hindus will
not interfere in the election of the Scheduled Castes.
THE CHAMCHA AGE (An Era of the Stooges) |
Untouchables were forced to sign the Poona Pact under
the impact of the coercive fast of Gandhiji. Dr. Ambedkar
denounced it the very next day expressing his views, “the
Untouchables were sad. They had every reason to be.”
He kept denouncing it till the end of his life in 1956.
He denounced it in private discussions, public meetings,
relevant writings, in fact on all the occasions that demand
an illustration of the denunciation by Baba Saheb Dr.
Ambedkar, some quotations from his two books (1) What
congress and Gandhi have done to the Untouchables, published
in 1945 & (2) States and Minorities, published in
1947, are given below:-
“There was nothing noble in the fast. It was a foul
and filthy act. The fast was not for the benefit of the
Untouchables. It was against them and was the worst form
of coercion against helpless people to give up the constitutional
safeguards of which they had become possessed under the
Prime Minister’s Award and agree to love on the
mercy of the Hindus. It was a vile and witched act. How
can the Untouchables regard such a man as honest and sincere?”
The Communal Award gave the Untouchables two benefits:-
(i) A fixed quota of seats to be elected by separate electorate
of Untouchables and to be filled by persons belonging
to the Untouchables. (ii) Double vote, one to be used
through separate electorates and the other to be used
in the general electorates.
if the Poona Pact increased the quota of seats for the
Untouchables it took away the right to the double vote
given to them by the Communal Award. This increase in
seats can never be deemed to be a compensation for the
loss of the double vote. The second vote given by the
Communal Award was priceless privilege. Its value as a
political weapon was beyond reckoning.
Today the Untouchables have a few more seats than were
given to them by the communal Award. But this is all that
they have. Every other member is indifferent, if not hostile.
If the Communal Award with its system of double voting
had remained, the Untouchables would have had a few seats
less but every other member would have been a member for
the Untouchables. The increase in the number of seats
for the Untouchables is no increase at all and no recompense
for the loss of separate electorate and the double vote.
4- Clause (5) of the Poona Pact has limited the system
of primary election to ten years which means that any
election taking place after 1947 will be by a system of
joint electorates and reserved seats pure and simple.
Things will be much worse under the system of joint electorates
and reserved seats, which will hereafter become operative
under the terms of the Poona Pact. This is no mere speculation
the last election has conclusively proved that the scheduled
Castes can be completely disfranchised in a joint electorate.
5- “The Poona Pact had produced different reactions.
The Untouchable were sad. They had every reason to be
6- In the light of these considerations, it cannot but
appears that the Poona Pact was only the first blow inflicted
upon the Untouchables and that the Hindus, who disliked
it were bent on inflicting on it other blows as and when
circumstances gave them an occasion to do so.”
7- After having accepted the Poona Pact, why did not Mr.
Gandhi keep faith with the Untouchables by telling the
Congress not to despoil the politics of the Untouchables
by contesting the seats reserved for the Untouchables
by getting such Untouchables elected as were prepared
to become the tools of the Hindus?
8- After having accepted the Poona Pact why did not Mr.
Gandhi keep up the gentleman’s agreement and instruct
the Congress High Command to include representatives of
the Untouchables in the Congress Cabinets?
9- This shows that Mr. Gandhi not with standing his being
a party to the Poona Pact is determined not to allow the
Scheduled Castes being given the status of a separate
element and that he is prepared to adopt any argument
however desperate to justify his attitude of opposition.”
10- In short Mr. Gandhi is still on the war path so far
as the Untouchables are concerned. He may start the trouble
over again. The time to trust him has not arrived. The
Untouchables must still hold that the best way to safeguard
them is to say ‘Beware of Mr. Gandhi.’
11- The second misdeed of the Congress was to subject
the Untouchable Congressmen to the rigours of party discipline.
They were completely under the control of the Congress
Party Executive. They could not ask a question which it
did not like. They could not move a resolution which it
did not permit. They vote as they wished and could not
speak what they felt. They were there as dumb driven cattle.
One of the objects of obtaining representation in the
Legislature for the Untouchables is to enable them to
ventilate their grievances and to obtain redress for their
wrongs. The Congress successfully and effectively prevented
this from happening.
12- To end this long and sad story the congress sucked
the juice out of the Poona Pact and threw the rind in
the face of the Untouchables.
13- The Poona Pact has completely defranchised the Scheduled
Castes in as much as candidates whom they rejected in
the Primary election-which is a true index of their will-have
been returned in the Final election by the votes of the
Castes Hindus.
14- The Poona Pact is thus fraught with mischief. It was
accepted because of the coercive fast of Mr. Gandhi and
because of assurance given at the time that the Hindus
will not interfere in the election of Scheduled Caste.
Remembering Sahib Shri Kanshi Ram Ji
in Contemporary Times
Prem K. Chumber
Editor-In-Chief: www.ambedkartimes.com & www.deshdoaba.com |
Dalit Chetna has its roots in the sufferings of its progenitors who never tired in making efforts to wake up their people/Samaj. The beginning was made in a more systematic manner during the life time of revered Jyotirao Phule who with the support of his bold life partner revered Savitri Bai Phule made stringent efforts to educate the lowest of the low while equating education with the milk of Lioness that whosoever drink it will roar like a lion. The flame of this struggle was taken up soon after by Periyar E.V. Ramasamy who founded Justice Party to struggle for long lost Dalit human rights during colonial India.
Babasaheb Dr B. R. Ambedkar became the legitimate heir of Phule-Periyar tradition of the generation of Dalit consciousness and took the same to new heights, never witnessed before since the beginning of the raising of voice against social exclusion and justice in the discourses by Tathagat Buddha. Babasaheb Dr Ambedkar remained on the platform of Dalit struggle from the time of his first publication on Genesis of Caste in 1916 till his last breath on December 6, 1956. From 1956 till 1972 Dalits in India experimented with his conversion formula to get rid of untouchability and getting organized under Dalit political parties (Independent Labour Party, Scheduled Castes Federation, Republican Party of India) to fight back social segregation, political marginalization and economic peripheralisation. Conversion somehow could not succeed in throwing off the debris of untouchability even from the confines of their newly embraced religions. The experience with the distinct Dalit political parties also remained quite disheartening as at different electoral intervals Scheduled Castes failed to register victory. Reservation in the legislature both at state and national levels encouraged opportunists from within the rank and file of the low castes to get played in the hands of the upper castes masters in the mainstream political parties to be ready to come forward to defeat their counterparts from the Dalit political parties. That is why Babasaheb used to say that on the reserved seats deaf and dumb low castes are picked up by the shrewd mainstream political party bosses to defeat the genuine Dalit candidates from the Dalit Political Parties. This was the outcome of the failure of Communal Award hard earned by Babasaheb Dr Ambedkar.
A new wave came with the arrival of Sahib Shri Kanshi Ram Ji on the political scene of the Dalit Politics in India as well as with the birth of Dalit Panther movement in Maharashtra in the early 1970. It was also the time of the revival of Ad Dharam movement in Punjab by Mr. Mangu Ram, the namesake of Babu Mangu Ram Mugowalia, who after long stay in England came to stay put in Jalandhar to work for the upliftment of the Dalit Samaj. Sahib Shri Kanshi Ram Ji also made sincere efforts to stir new consciousness in the minds of Dalit people in Punjab while referring to the various achievements of the glorious Ad Dharam movement. Sahib Shri Kanshi Ram Ji, in fact, had successfully been able to inject a new energy and passion among the Scheduled castes, especially of Punjab and Uttar Pradesh, by bringing them together on the platform of BAMCEF, DS4 (Dalit Shoshit Samaj Sangarsh Samiti) and Bahujan Samaj Party. He was of the firm opinion that political power is the key to all locks of Dalit empowerment. He wanted to strengthen his own people and Samaj who had been taken for a free ride during centuries.
What Sahib Shri Kanshi Ji said and done for the Dalit Samaj has once again being realized by his followers and scholars of Dalit studies that the current times need him and his style of politics more strongly for the emancipation and empowerment of the Scheduled castes people.
Ambedkar Times (www.ambedkartimes.com) and Desh Doaba (www.deshdoaba.com) forum pay floral tributes to the fond memory and momentous work that Sahib Shri Kanshi Ram Ji had done for his people and Samaj on his anniversary!!
Prem K. Chumber
Editor-in-Chief www.ambedkartimes.com
Posted at www.ambedkartimes.com on October 9, 2019 |